#002: The Literacy Crisis

Oct 13, 2024

#002: The Literacy Crisis

By Hassan Syed 

People often react to physical dangers very seriously, especially when they are brazen or disruptive in nature. The COVID-19 era has taught us well the hysteria that proliferates when humans, en masse, enter a state of existential fear. However, sometimes epidemics get unnoticed, as if a type of glitch in the system of humanity has occurred which doesn’t get noticed until its wreaked havoc, irreversible havoc. There are many such epidemics, some more pernicious than others. Myopia in the modern world is showing up in catastrophic levels. A record number of people, especially the younger generation, cannot see far into the distance anymore (more on this and its spiritual implication in a later entry). To the joy of apathetic optometrists around the world, 30% of people suffer from Myopia and by 2050 that number will probably reach 50% according to some researchers. The epidemic that this write-up focusses on is the reading epidemic and its vile consequences.  


The Reading epidemic is startling. Especially given the fact that humanity is most schooled today than ever before. It turns out that the famous quote, misattributed to Mark Twain but originally from Allan Grant, was correct in its assessment that one of the keys to success is to never let schooling get in the way of education. The world is most definitely the most literate its ever been, yet, we are also the community that reads the least of those people who could read in previous eras. The prophet (saw) prophesized this in a number of narrations that can be summarized as such, ‘at the ends of times the pens would proliferate yet knowledge would be stifled.’  


Narrated Anas: 

Allah's Messenger () said, "From among the portents of the Hour are (the following):  

  1. (Spiritual & moral) knowledge will be taken away 

  1. (Spiritual & moral) ignorance will prevail.  

  1. Drinking of Alcoholic drinks (will be very common). 

  1. There will be prevalence of open sexual intercourse. 

Bukhari (80) 


The paradox is uncanny, the most literate society in the world embodies the most immoral and denigratory habits and behaviors. A common ritual amongst many high school students across the globe is to burn their textbooks and notes after the examinations as a celebratory freedom ritual. The irony in burning, turning to ask and lighting up the very thing that was meant to enlighten the mind should not be lost on any of us. Below is an actual X post from the Lancashire Fire & Rescue service:   

 Just like Blockbuster was replaced by online streaming and on-demand systems, libraries are being converted into digital libraries. The library near the neighbourhood I grew up in is almost unrecognizable today due to its conversion into a computer lab or digital library. What has caused this general malaise towards reading? Why don’t people who are schooled to read, read? Why have people conveniently shifted from a reading culture to a scrolling culture? Why do people not see the long-term benefits of being tapped into the world of ideas through reading? Why do people not see the imminent danger in abandoning the art of reading? 


In the next few write-ups, I will be exploring 

  • Why adopt a life of reading 

  • How to get started on reading for non-readers 

  • The different types of reading  

  • The pitfalls to establishing systems of reading 

  • more...  


 Join me in this journey by singing up, for absolutely free, to Serenatas. 


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